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8 votes

Was there a change to the Community Bot that stops it from bumping questions?

Good eye! This changed on around January 8th I've added a change here so that the community user can't rebump a question unless the original bump is more than 90 days in the past. The problem here ...
Shog9's user avatar
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4 votes

ROS users migrated to Robotics Stack Exchange – how to link accounts?

When we did the migration, we put a call out for all users to provide us with user IDs on each site for doing the remapping during the migration. For example:
Tully's user avatar
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4 votes

Is this brigading?

I am sorry for the trouble and the concern raised by our recent landing into robotics stackexchange. I would like to explain what we are aiming at and try to understand what we are doing wrong. Our ...
Olivier Michel's user avatar
4 votes

Why does the "duplicate question" close reason restrict to Robotics SE only?

The short and sweet answer is - because, while we're a network of sites, each site is an island and there's no expectation that questions can or should only be answered on one site. In fact, if a ...
Catija's user avatar
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3 votes

Is this brigading?

It does appear that this is considered targetted voting, so I will pop some notices on posts pointing back here. I would suggest that we ask all Webots employees to Explicitly mention their ...
Mark Booth's user avatar
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3 votes

Is this brigading?

I'm glad the Cyberbotics / Webots employees identify themselves in their profiles. But I wish they did a better job putting disclaimers in their questions and answers. Pointing users to this site for ...
Ben's user avatar
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3 votes

Can the Community Bot behavior be made less annoying?

To quote Shog9's answer to Community ♦ seems to be bumping new questions more frequently than usual over on Meta.SE: Note that the posts eligible for bumping are those scoring >= 0 that have gone ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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2 votes

Is this brigading?

I do not understand the reason why I have been flagged as part of a voting ring. It is my first question that I answer in the Webots related forum, with the intention of helping to solve it. I am ...
DrakerDG's user avatar
1 vote

Can the Community Bot behavior be made less annoying?

I can't seem to find the source on the statement I'm going to make, but I believe the rule is that questions get bumped if there is no accepted answer and there are no answers with a positive score. ...
Chuck's user avatar
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1 vote

Is this the site for medical research support discussion relating to machine and robots and software for medicine?

It's not clear what exactly you're wanting to know about: software interfaces and software tools this would be appropriate for Stack Overflow used in medical research maybe Medical Sciences? But ...
Chuck's user avatar
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