I think that the real question is, are there enough on-topic questions to support a drone site? The problem I've seen with drone questions in general are that they're generally off-topic.
The bulk of the questions I've seen about drones are people looking for design questions. If it starts, "How do I..." then the question is probably off topic. Person A could provide one valid answer, and Person B could provide a completely different, but still perfectly valid answer.
For example, a question might be, "How do I extend the flight time of my quadcopter?" Person A might answer, "Add batteries." Person B might answer, "Reduce total weight." Both answers are equally valid.
The better question would be, "What specifications affect flight time of a quadcopter?" This type of rephrasing is the gist of the Q&A is hard, let's go shopping post that we frequently cite for closing questions.
Again, the types of quadcopter questions I see most are all generally off-topic, and typically start:
- "How do I..." (autonomy, obstacle avoidance, build a flight controller, etc.)
- "What's the best..." (quadcopter, flight controller, transmitter, etc.)
- "Where can I find..." (software package, drone that meets specification X, etc.)